Sunday, October 26, 2008

Letter from Mom to Me [Letter 5]

Querida Dorita,

First of all, quiero decirte que te quiero mucho and that I am super proud of you

Dorita, I remember long time ago cuando te conte the story about how I was thinking of aborting ju. Ju were still little at the time and I don't tink that ju understooood me completely. Tu papa wasn't around enough. Siempre estaba trabajando. And thee last thing I wanted was to have another boy. That iis the only reason why those thoughts were going through my head. Tu papa thankfully changed my mind, y tambien mi corazon.

When I first found out that ju weren't going to be a boy estaba feliz. Ay dios mio, my dreams came true. I wus already pictchuring it. Ju helping me out with the deeshes, folding clothes with me, cooking en la keetchen. Tu papa was right and everytheeng turned out goood.

Te nesesito, te quiero, y te amo. Ju are so important en mi life and without you mi vida no tendra sentido. I want ju to know that ju will always have me as a friend and that I will be there for ju en las buenas y en las malas. I will always be there for you.

Gracias for being my daughter, and not only dat pero for being the daughter that most mothers wished they had. You are a excellent hija and I ask Dios everyday que seas that excellent daughter that I know and love.

Que Dios te bendiga y te proteja para siempre. Te amo mucho con todo mi corazon.

Tu Madre,

1 comment:

Mr. George said...

Amazingly you managed to use only the 20 spanish words I know. Thank you. I actually understood that perfectly.

also, the letter about Kmack....borderline