Wednesday, October 8, 2008

10 Steps to Being Popular

  1. If it is NOT designer then do NOT wear it. Therefore, there is no shopping at Tellos or any other stores that are not brand name or tries to mimick brand name clothing.
  2. School work is for losers. The less you pay attention, the cooler you appear. Failing grades on tests and quizes is the cool thing to do. Homework is not meant to be done at home, but during the period before that class.
  3. If you do not plan on drinking, do not bother going to parties and friendly gatherings. Being drunk and stupid around your friends make you popular.
  4. Being high is the best feeling in the world. Having red eyes, smelling like weed, and not having enough strength to concentrate will make people want to be your friend.
  5. Virgins? That word does not exist in our Popular Dictionary. If you do not put out then you cannot be put into the Popular Crew.
  6. If he/she is not cute or popular, then do not bother even looking at them. You cannot date a loser or even be friends with them.
  7. Being rude and treating people like dirt makes you feel better about yourself. The better you feel and the more conceited that you are, the more people will realize that you are popular.
  8. Never let someone outshine you. Being the center of attention is key to being popular. If you are not being noticed by others, then you are not popular.
  9. Do not be a follower and do not allow people to be on the same level as you. You are greater than anyone, and your purpose in life is to lead. What you say goes, and that is final.
  10. Friends, friends, and friends. Do not worry about what your teachers or family members think about. The only opinion that matters is that of your friends. Hence, spending quality time with your dying grandfather, your new born baby sister, and your mother who has just gotten out of surgery is not of importance.

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